


during the witch burning times, midwives were targeted because they were healers and they eased the pain of childbirth which was meant to be woman’s punishment for eating the apple in the garden of eden.

birth control and abortion were considered sinful for the same reason.

anti-choice sentiment started because people (men) wanted women to be punished, and these misogynistic ideas have carried on for hundreds of years.

what a sad reflection on our society.


A lot of people in the notes were disbelieving of this, so here is the section on midwives from the Malleus Maleficarum, the guide for hunting and ~identifying~ witches. The whole text of the Malleus is online if you want to read some hilariously baldfaced 15th century misogyny and reaffirm the fact that patriarchy exists because men are afraid of women, and have been that way for literally centuries.