Genetically dyed wool.
Clothing dye may be a thing of the future as genetic science takes over the wool market. The sheep above, like hundreds of others, has been genetically enhanced to produce wool of the color needed for sale.
The process is revolutionary but not without drawbacks. Firstly, the sheep all have severe flatulence that manifests mostly in the form of air pockets within the feces, a substance that makes much noise as it deflates in open air with a sound farmers have compared to “a sickly yodeling sound.”
Secondly, several enhanced sheep have developed a simultaneous mutation in their front limbs that resembles wings. Though most of the affected stock have been euthanized, a few were allowed to develop to adulthood and reports suggest they are flight capable. Another suggestion that the sheep may be able to fly comes in the fact that the adult sheep have gone missing from their paddocks.
Residents of the U.S. and U.K. have been asked to report any sightings of flying purple sheep or yodeling poop falling from the sky.