







The Doctor wouldn’t.  He’d find another way.

and the thing is Moffat is 100% right because regardless of if he called himself “The Doctor” during the Time War he was still the Doctor deep deep down and in the end he saves lives, and he saved his people

“I lack the creativity to imagine characters being forced to make difficult choices, especially since my understanding of said characters is surface-deep at best. Sometimes I think about writing real emotional consequences to things, but then I remember how much easier it would be to avoid consequences whatsoever with some bizarre winding hole-filled plot. I am a professional writer who overcomes difficulty writing a scene by shoving in a contrived loophole so I don’t have to write it. Please punch me in the face.”

As RTD wrote it, he didn’t save his people, he saved the rest of the universe from his people. by destroying them. A much more difficult and courageous thing to do.

Like, did he not watch the Tennant finale, The End of Time??? Where he reveals that the Time Lords had turned bad,

“Had turned bad”? Dude, the Doctor’s been railing against the Time Lords since at least the Sixth Doctor. During “Trial of a Time Lord”, we find out they had destroyed nearly all life on Earth to protect their secrets. Hell, that’s WHY the Doctor was on trial; they knew he’d be pissed and were trying to get him out of the way.

Let’s be clear people: The Time Lords are NOT good guys. At ALL. And they haven’t been for a very long time. Frankly, the revelations in “The End of Time” are… not really that surprising when you look at the series over all, and some of the shit the Time Lords have pulled in the past.

“In all my travelling throughout the universe, I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation: decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core. Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen – they’re still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power. That’s what it takes to be really corrupt.”

-The Doctor (The Ultimate Foe, 1986)

 (via joannathepiana)