










This is the Memorial to the Missing and contains over 50,000,000 pennies to represent the lives of each American child abandoned to abortion by a society and a culture that has embraced their destruction. We must prevent the need to add to this memorial. Take a stand. Get involved.

 ”How we treat the least of us defines us.”

“should I use this $500k to help struggling parents and pregnant people or should I put it in a glass box”


Just a reminder that the prolife movement likes to spend exorbitant amounts of money protesting abortion, but absolutely nothing to help people who need the help so they can avoid getting one. 

500k plus however much i cost to pay the architect, the engineers, the labor, the fuel, the shipping and everything else. 

We’re looking at about 700k worth of wasted money that the anti-choice movement could have spent on actual sex education to prevent unintended pregnancy and thus, abortion. 

Or 700 thousand on top of the 250,000 spent on the “March for Life”.. And.. whatever those shitstains spend on travel and lodging.. and food. And you could’ve got some scholarships at a daycare to cover daycare for a single working parent. Or TONS of groceries..? Things that would’ve made having another child LESS painful to the kids 61% of them already have? 

They have spent literally millions of dollars this year alone (And we’re not even quite 1/3 of the way through the year either), on protesting abortion… and maybe a thousand on actually helping people. (A few donated diapers, a few bottles filled with spare change… not cutting it).

Their spending though shows their real priorities… and it’s not on the pregnant people or on the born.

This has me so angry I can’t even words.

I’m just like

I wonder if there is ever anyone in their organization meetings going, “Hey… what if we like… used that money for stuff? Like stuff to help people?” And everyone’s like, “God, shut UP, Steve.”

Things that cost $500,000:

3847 boxes of 240 count Huggies (that’s 923,280 diapers!)

2440 six packs of Aptamil follow on milk 900g cartons (a staggering 13,176,000 grams of formula powder)

16,672 strollers 

4202 cribs

11,784 jars of 180 prenatal vitamin tablets (that’s 2,121,120 vitamins)

And for the uninsured:

Prenatal care for 250 people (according to average costs)

31 uncomplicated cesareans (according to average costs)

52 uncomplicated vaginal births (according to average costs)

But no, definitely shove it all in a glass box for ages before spending it on fliers and minibuses to take your clinic harassers from place to place.

I had really hoped this story was an exaggeration. Apparently not.
