


This is society for everything, if you are considered “conventionally attractive” than whatever you do it’s appealing. However if you are considered to be less attractive than whatever you do it’s wrong. 

This deserves so many notes. I have heard all of the black quotes behind my back. It’s really demoralizing.

I think it’s important to highlight tho if you get the kind of comments in the red text, the second you step out of line in Straight Cis Boy of the minute’s mind, you stop being cute nerd girl and start being SLUTTY FUCKING BITCH WHORE SLUT BITCH

The way men dismiss women who arent considered conventionally attractive is foul, but being the Red Text Girl is not fun. It’s not better or worse than being dismissed, it’s just sexism in a different shape.

Sure it looks nicer on the surface, but the second he finds out you play the wrong video games you’re a fake slut who talks about gaming for attention, the second he talks to you and you’re too shy to reply you’re a stuck up bitch who thinks she’s too good for him, the second it turns out you just sat behind him in class because… well, that’s where the empty seat was? You’re a tease. You probably only went to that convention so you could slut it up in your cosplay. You only topped your class because the teacher wants to fuck you. 

Everything you do being appealing when you’re cute is only appealing to the point someone realises you’re an actual person not a shallow Manic Pixie Dream Girl Fantasy.

Being dismissed is shitty and disgusting, but Legit can we not make “Conventionally Attractive” women the enemy but the entire patriarchal system that says it’s okay to treat any woman like this.