
this is a personal request from me to please not support cosplayfu, a cosplay website which has begun selling replicas of my attack on titan lolita redesign concept and passing them off as their own. They’ve watermarked all of the images, including my artwork, with their own site logo, and even deliberately cropped out my url from the pictures. i was not asked for permission to do this and i am not receiving any credit for this, let alone any compensation for the use of my design.

i would like people to be aware that this website is profiting off of a stolen concept to which they have no right, and to advise others considering buying from them to reconsider. i’m actually really hurt that my art is being ripped off like this without my consent and i would like people to be aware that this is really wrong.

you don’t have to reblog this, but i would appreciate helping try and spread the word to other snk fans, thank you!