Worth another reblog every once and a while
lmfao you realize that half of these are feminist issues, right. like the child custody thing?? that’s the stigma of women being the caretakers of the household and shit. they often get the children by default because of this no matter how shitty they may be. that’s a FEMINIST ISSUE.
a quick google search tells me that there are literally hundred of thousands more men in industrial and manufacturing jobs than there are women. of COURSE men would therefore account for most of the deaths and injuries.
regarding suicide, from lovely, lovely wikipedia:
this is also clearly a FEMINIST ISSUE with the patriarchal enforcement of the Strong Unemotional Man, which is something feminists are trying to eradicate
i also fail to see how the homicide thing is ~*~female privilege~*~ unless women are committing hate crimes on men. which they aren’t. also, please note that men are more likely to be victims of drug or gang related murders and women of domestic and sex-related murders. also lmfao men commit 90% of murders sooooo
jail sentences: the stereotype that women are innocent and less dangerous than men is, surprise fucking surprise, a HUGE factor in this. you’re right! the discrimination against men in the penal system like that is unfair! but it’s a FEMINIST ISSUE. also lol you better recognize that this only holds true for WHITE men and WHITE women
also american women were fucking banned from combat until last year try again