


Australia’s minister for women

– thinks that a woman’s virginity is her “greatest gift”

– thought people should vote for him because he has “not bad looking daughters”

– told the unmarried, former PM Julia Gillard to ‘make an honest woman of herself’

– stood in front of sexist signs calling Gillard a ‘witch’ and ‘bitch’

– said that a female MP was worth voting for because she ‘has sex appeal’

– met with a netball team full of teenage girls and said “I wish I was younger again.” and “a bit of full body contact never hurt anyone.”

– campaigned against women’s right to have an abortion

– said “the right of women to withold sex needs to be moderated.”

– included only one female minister out of 18 cabinet members

and today, when a pensioner called into a radio show that Mr Abbott was on, to tell him that she was worried about rising health care costs, as she had chronic illnesses and a low pension, and she had to work a phone sex line to make ends meet

and PM Tony Abbott, our esteemed minister for women, winked

Here is a source for every one of these in case you doubted they were real:

1 2 3 4a 4b 5 6 7 8 9 10

And my favourite: He is violently homophobic, even though his own sister is a lesbian and engaged to her partner. He says he feels threatened by gay people.

reblogging my own post because this fab person has added the sources that I neglected to add in my extreme rage