

Laverne Cox talks to TIME about the transgender movement

side note: i don’t like the “next civil rights” language on the cover because it erases the fact that laverne’s experiences aren’t just that of being a trans woman. laverne cox is a black trans woman. that is important.

to suggest that the ongoing lack of civil rights for black folks in this country doesn’t directly inform the particular form of transmisogyny she receives is ridiculous in a world where black trans women are disproportionately affected by both physical and economic violence.

yes to above re: civil rights stuff

but it also kinda sticks in my craw

that a Black trans woman (and other twoc)


on a day 40 or so years ago.

Marsha P. Johnson and Silvia Rivera and a whole bunch of other twoc/trans feminine poc

decided they’d had enough and fucking started a riot

this riot was the proverbial match to powder keg

that started what has turned into a global movement



two years after they started this movement

Sylvia Rivera (and all twoc but her specifically) was being thrown under the bus by the GLF

marking the beginning of the total co-opting and occupation of a movement started by twoc (who were also often sex workers, street people, etc.), by white cis gays and white cis lesbians.

Laverne Cox is fucking awesome

But what she represents and what she is accomplishing (Janet Mock too and other notable twoc right now — Carmen Carera)

is actually more amazing in its proper historical context

because not only are they elevating and pushing the status of twoc and centering us in a hostile environment

but they are also managing to finally finally wrest back the legacy of those who came before from the people who stole it in the first place.