This video is in the walking dead, norman reedus, chandler riggs and countless other tags. The caption is “Why would she cry over something so stupid help.”DO NOT PLAY THIS VIDEO. IT IS A SCREAMER. Poor SPF-irishsexgod fell for it and it scared her so bad it made her heart hurt. Thankfully she warned me. Screamers are not funny, or a joke. They can cause people with heart problems, seizure disorders, or panic/anxiety disorders to have heart attacks, seizures or severe panic attacks. Not cool. As someone with a serious anxiety disorder I feel the need to share this because I know a lot of my followers have anxiety and other health problems that could be worsted by screamers. please help get the word out about this screamer.
I have panic disorder, and I ended up having a panic attack when I had watched this a while ago. They aren’t being overdramatic when they say avoid this.