


“All Women” means all women.

Apparently #yesallwomen are white women and one Asian.

“asian isn’t really coloured” ooooookay you lost any and all respect i might’ve had for you by excluding an entire group of women of colour

the gifset was never meant to be inclusive of all groups (nor was this one or this one or this one, or any of the other myriad of gifsets of female characters i have on this blog)

i don’t have the space in a gifset for all groups, let alone the characters

so lemme spell it out for you

all women includes trans women, lesbians, bisexual women, polysexual women, genderqueer people who sometimes/partially identify as women, pansexual women, asexual women, demisexual women, graysexual women, heterosexual women, and every other gender identity including women and queer women

all women includes asian women and black women and hispanic women and aboriginal/native women and indian women and middle eastern women and mixed women and white women and every other culture/race/skin colour

all women includes muslims and christians and jews and hindus and neo-pagans and atheists and buddhists and agnostics

all women includes women with physical and mental disabilities, it includes women with mental health problems and women with chronic illness, it includes women missing limbs and women with too much dopamine, it includes women in wheelchairs and women in mental hospitals

all women includes women who’ve never weighed more than 100 pounds in their entire life and women who are critically obese and women who are happy with their weight and women who would like to be heavier or lighter or have more muscle mass and women with curves and women who make the Tenth Doctor look curvy and women with large breasts and women with flat chests

all women includes virgins and “sluts” and strippers and nuns and women who wait ‘till marriage and women who charge money or favours for sex

also it includes veterans, doctors, queens, spies, mothers, psychics, detectives, scientists, engineers, sex workers, queer women, warriors, temps, nurses, computer geeks, secret agents, housewives, writers, and every other imaginable walk of life

and see, the thing is that I could do a thousand gifsets that link to each other and somehow find a gif for every female character to ever make it onscreen, and I would still not be able to have characters for all of those different permutations of women because there aren’t enough fucking characters.