And therein lies the difference.
so where eridan took it out on the girl he liked is Cronus gonna take it out on himself?
It’s fairly easy to interpret as Eridan as taking it out on the girl he liked, but that’s not what happened? The idea that Eridan killed Feferi because she choose Sollux seems to be widely propagated among fandom, but that’s not what happened.
Eridan went up to Feferi wanting her to chance to come with him to join Bec Noir. At this point Eridan had judged their situation as hopeless and felt that the best way of survival would be to join Jack.
Obviously this wasn’t the case, but from his view, having Feferi join Jack with him would ensure her survival too.
Feferi and Sollux were both like ‘what the **** no that’s an awful idea’ and understandably tried to stop Eridan
Sollux and Eridan got in a fight, Eridan won
Feferi tried to stop Eridan, for good reasons, and she was also ****ed because wow her quadrantmate might’ve just died. Eridan defended himself and unfortunately killed her.
Kanaya tries to stop Eridan, to keep him from joining Bec Noir, same result because fricking overpowered magic wand.
If you still believe that eridan did it because feferi didn’t pick him, look at this panel:
At worse, Eridan can be accused of being kind of stupid and making awful decisions. However, he did not kill Feferi because she was dating Sollux.
holy ****ing **** yes thank u god bless u
he also habitually laments over how much of a piece of **** he finds himself to be and how much of a jerk he feels like whenever his friends get hurt through his fault
sooooo yeah i highly doubt he’s the type to kill someone for liking another dude
also by now we’ve seen him formally apologize to her and she presumably accepted