RIP Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign April 1, 1948-May 1, 1948. Better luck in the next election cycle, sweet prince.
people are getting offed in the same order as a horror film all up in this trail. Kayne West lived through the measles, a broken leg, thypoid fever, and Joe Biden getting bit five times by a snake, but finally died of “getting sick”. No one man deserved all that Dover’s PowderUPDATE 2:
When i told my dad that Romney died of dysentery, dad delivered this moving eulogy: “Well, he was always full of shit”.
Joe Biden is currently celebrating his 8th snakebite. The game isn’t even bothering to print out full news items regarding this anymore, it just says “Joe Biden” and then assumes you know what is going to follow after that. Got bit by a snake, I know, game. I know
R.I.P. Joe “Got Bit By A Snake” Biden. Since the news feed was vague as to the cause of death, I’m just going to assume he died of being Joe Biden, as the previous day’s news item implies. It’s just Obama left on this lonesome road to Oregon. Remember, Obama, HOPE! And/or CHANGE!
Unfortunately, not even Obama is immune to the tides of change and the rough waters of… uh. Change. After being ghost-piloted into one too many rocks while fording a river, Obama finally swam to that big oval office in the sky. ”Many wagons fail to make it all the way to Oregon”, the game indifferently tells us. Yes, many wagons fail. But this was The Nation’s Wagon. Though there were many like it, this one was Ours. RIP…. America.….
reblog with the whole story of the 2012 presidential race to oregon, for those who have only seen bits an pieces of it.
bits and pieces… just like what our wagon became… Alas, America! Alas, humanity!