

FCKH8’S response to me, in which they tell me that they did nothing wrong, talk down to me, accuse me of sending them a “nasty message”, and have the audacity to tell me to GOOGLE THE TERM “FAIR USE”. 

when you post something on Tumblr do you have an expectation that no one will pass it around and share it? And BTW, in no way did we make it seem like we created the post as your name is clearly shown and we simply wrote on the top of the post as there is no way to share a Tumblr post on Facebook unless it is an image. Anybody can take a screen shot of something and comment on it and it’s called fair use. google it. what damage was done to inspire such a nasty message? no big deal. we deleted it. isn’t it upsetting when something you actually write other people like and share? maybe they should make a website for that and call it Tumblr?

furthermore, this is their response to my friend rei after she commented on their inappropriate use of my material:

do not support this campaign. the people behind it are rude, immature and unwilling to admit to their own mistakes and instead lash out in spite. find another LGBTQ campaign to support, PLEASE.

FCKH8 regularly steals other people’s artwork, screencaps tumblr posts/tweets and slaps them into crap graphics to hawk their merchandise without artists/original posters permission. 

Also there is literally no easily-accessible information on their site about what “cause” they speak of specifically, what charities they donate or how much of their profits actually goes to charitable orgs/projects.