Do not be inactive in a time such as this. Sign the petition. Promote Safety.
Write your congress person. The President can’t make laws.
The President cannot make laws.
The President cannot make laws.
Congress makes laws. Your congressional representative has a postal box and an email address. Use those. Hell, copy-paste from the petition your signing, personalize it if you want and send/email that to them. Your congress person. Not the President.
Because the President cannot make laws.
Letters sent to Representative’s offices are to be sorted by an intern and are often never read by a congress person or staff member. If an office receives a high volume of letters addressing the same issue, only then are the staff members made sufficiently aware of the public interest. Then the issue is raised to the Congress person through their staff members. So this is not to say that letters are not of use, as they are still one tool available to the public in order to reach Congress members.
Phone calls to a Congress persons Washington D.C. office are the best way to get the attention of Congress as a whole. If an office receives a high volume of phone calls about one pressing issue, it can become overwhelming and will have to be dealt with. You can even ask to speak to someone other than an intern in order to raise your concerns and make your voice heard more efficiently. Ask to speak to the Legislative Assistant who handles Criminal Justice Issues or Judiciary issues. If they are unavailable, ask for their email (standard house is and the intern you are speaking with will give it to you.
Since your Congress person may be unlikely to write the law themselves, it’s important to urge your Representatives to support laws to ‘Protect Citizens from Police Violence and Misconduct’ if they are ever on the House floor.
Send letters, make phone calls, make your voice heard! Be respectful to get the best response, but stand firm in your beliefs.
As a former Congressional intern, I can answer any questions you have about communicating more efficiently with your Congress person and members of their staff, let me know!