

The honest truth is that of all the different types of people from all around the world that I meet and work with when they check into our Canadian hotel, of every conceivable stereotype known or unknown across millions and millions of the world’s human population

the worst customers I ever have to deal with are white Americans.

“Soft” examples:

  • “Is this in American dollars or Canadian dollars?”
  • “Will my American plug work in your hotel outlet? Because I know American plugs don’t usually work in European outlets.”
  • Constantly refers to Canadian highways like the Queen Elizabeth Way as the “Interstate”
  • Walks into hotel hours before check-in with all their luggage, upset room is not ready hours before their check-in time and tries to use that to get a discount at check-out
  • “How much is this worth?” Holds up a loonie. “One dollar.” “Alright and how much are your quarters worth?”
  • Asks currency exchange, border crossing policies and out-of-country cell phone usage questions at a hotel desk AFTER they’re already in Canada
  • “Funny money.”
  • “Well we call it ‘soda’ where we come from.”
  • Comes to another country, asks for locations of restaurants only available in the US
  • “Your accent is funny.”
  • Slows down car while driving down busy street to lean out the window and take a photo
  • Children running around the lobby unsupervised, screaming – parents laugh and say the kids are “excited”
  • “Can you take the tax off since we’re not from Canada?”
  • Finds “problems” with the room, doesn’t tell the desk to fix the problems, then demands compensation at desk while threatening to write a bad online review (usually on Yelp)
  • Generally extremely rude and over-demanding and constantly looking for ways to blame their booking errors on the hotel for discounts and free stays