Human brains are incredibly adaptable.




Experiments with virtual reality have found that humans can even learn to function in a four dimensional environment. Our brains are so adaptable, that we get bored with constantly perceiving the same universe.  We crave alternate “what-ifs,” where magic is real, or it’s hundreds of years in the future. The only requirement is that the rules of the universe have to be consistent. We can readily accept faster-than-light spaceships and magic wands, so long as the limits of those tools are established and their users are consistently constrained by them. When bad writers arbitrarily change these rules to suit their needs, our perception of the realness of their universe breaks down, and we become disinterested in the story.



Weeping Angel rules in “Blink”

  • Angels turn to stone when anyone is looking at them, including other angles
  • The Angels’ touch sends people back in time

Weeping Angel rules in “The Time of Angels”

  • Angels constantly move in plain sight of each-other
  • Angels outright kill
  • That which holds the image of an Angel becomes an Angel

Weeping Angel rules in “The Angels Take Manhatten”

  • ??????
  • Whatever
  • Who even gives a fuck anymore?

And all of them were WRITTEN BY MOFFAT.

It’s not even like multiple writers were involved fucking up the canon.

One man couldn’t keep his own monsters consistent.