

I frequently fuck this up myself, but this is important in adult sex education.  (Or really, any age sex education.)  If you go “LOL holy shit you don’t know that about your own body?!?” to someone’s question about their body, you are not encouraging them to learn more.  You are strongly encouraging them to never ask you a question again.

If someone believes that they can’t get pregnant during their period or that it’s abnormal that they have a lot of hair around their genitals, the correct answers are “it’s less likely, but you can still get pregnant” and “nope, it’s totally normal.”  The correct answer is not rolling your eyes and going “OH MY GAWD LOOK AT THE STATE OF SEX ED IN THIS COUNTRY.”

I’m all for rolling your eyes at the sex ed system, but when you do it directly after someone asks a question, that’s not just a political observation, that’s an insult.  And very few people want to ask delicate questions about their genitalia to someone who might insult them for it.

(image source: xkcd)

So very relevant, this.
