“even though i realize that’s enough proof to sway the opinion of the ever-legitimate SJW.”
Aw, boo hoo— you called me a derogatory name that’s meaningless outside of Tumblr/Reddit/Urban Dictionary. How you wound!
Now this is one of two responses I’m providing to you anon-ratfucks tonight because: 1) I’m not your teacher, 2) Google is your friend, and 3) you fuckboys (and girls) never learn one way or another, so why waste the time. BUT, for my folks out there who actually care, here’s some stats that took less than an hour to gather on the internet (re: #2).
Recorded Lynchings in the US (likely under-reported):
Total of lynchings of Blacks over listed period: 1,568
Rate of murders annually: 58 per year
See also:
Data on Police-related Killings in Last Decade (Photos are links)
Total of law-enforcement killings of Blacks over last decade: Unknown because stats are intentionally manipulated, under-reported, or simply untracked
Rate of murders Annually: Also unknown; estimated at least 96 from independent analysis of FBI stats on ‘justifiable homicide’; upwards of 300 or more from individual auditors
See also:
So actually, you’re right— from what little data the corrupt police state actually reports, the police kill MORE Black folk today than lynchings in the early 20th century. Feel free to respond, but if you do, try to be less of a ratfuck punk, and actually show you’re real profile instead of anon. Also: you can take 20 seats now.
1901 wasn’t a good year for white people.
But every year was a shitty year for black people.
But isn’t that pretty much the summary of “Black in America” on any topic. I gotta laugh cause otherwise…