when i was in 9th grade i was constantly picking fights with boys on the school bus because they’d say really disgusting sexual things to and grope me and other girls so one day i got on the bus and i had a bottle of soda and i this boy wouldn’t leave me alone so i grabbed my bottle and lunged towards the iPhone in his hand like i was going to pour soda on it which really pissed him off (even though the cap was on) so afterwards i put on my headphones but eventually this boy and all his friends started throwing food at me which i guess in their eyes was my retribution for daring to even consider damaging his iPhone anyway i ignored it until one threw his shoe at my head
this shoe is the ultimate rich white boy shoe, a $30000000 dollar nike designer whatever even though he’s never played basketball a day in his life, so instead of hurling it back i do the diplomatic thing and keep it in my backpack, which really proved to be a problem as the bus started to near the stop i was getting off at and the boy started seeing in his future a very real possibility of not getting his sneaker back so eventually he had to do his one-shoe-one-sock limp of shame over to my seat and looked at me and asked for his shoe back so i took it out of my backpack and made full eye contact with him as i poured all my soda out of the bottle into the shoe and then handed it back to him and said “here ya go”