




Today’s picture for invisible illness is a personal one. This is one of about 30 notes that my friend has received since using her handicapped placard. I’m going to say this to you, have you ever seen someone get out of a car parked in a handicapped space and said to yourself “they look too young or they don’t look disabled.” I’m going to go with yes you have, because we all have at one time. I can’t remember doing it, but before I understood the difficulties of invisible illness when I was younger I probably did. Let me ask you this though, when you had that thought was it because you knew with 100% certainty that they weren’t handicapped or did you assume that because of their age and/or not seeing a cane, walker or wheelchair? All I’m asking is that we stop and think when we someone need a mobility aid, park in a handicapped space or say they are disabled that we remember this “DISABILITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH AGE OR APPEARNACE.” #spoonie #invisibleillness #disability #chronicillness #rheumatoidarthritis #lupus #fibromyalgia #myofascialpainsyndrome

If nothing else, this post needs to be seen around the internet more. This harassment is not okay and no one should have to deal with it on top of having an invisible illness. This is just another form of anonymous bullying to add to the internet bullying these TROLLS are capable of.

If you are healthy, please reblog.
If you are sick, please reblog.
If you have a disability, please reblog.
If you have an invisible illness, please reblog.
If you know someone with a disability, please reblog.
If you are a human being, please reblog.

Let’s spread the word and help those of us that may not look like it. 

Ignorance isn’t bliss, ignorance is ignorance. 

My mom had cancer that has spread to her lungs and outwardly, she looked healthy. However, she couldn’t walk very far. She had a blue tag and she got some killer looks while walking to the electric wheel chairs, just because she looked healthy.
Another story: I was chewed out once for fetching one of the electric wheel chairs for her.

My best friends sister has a heart disease and she looks totally normal and everything except for the big scar on her chest and they have a handicap sign and everything, because when she walks too much, she gets very sick and I think she has trouble breathing and she starts throwing up so yes I agree with this. No, not every person with a handicap sign thing is in a wheelchair or some kind of limp. Don’t be so ignorant.

My husband refuses to get a handicap sticker because of this ignorant bullshit, he’s 26 and his spine is fused, he has fucking bolts in his back and it caused nerve damage so his entire fucking left leg is completely asleep and he has a permanent limp. Some days he cant even get out of bed. He doesn’t even use his cane in public anymore because someone told him to quit faking, that he’s embarrassing the people who actually need canes.