You NEED to be paying attention!
Last night the protesters in Ferguson continued their peaceful protests.
But because of the rain, there were only about 16-20 people.And they were heavily outnumbered by the police.
The first arrest they made was for a man crossing the street.
Then they made their first announcement.
Mind you, most of the yelling was their normal “No justice; no peace!” chanting. With 1 or 2 people yelling “fuck the police”.
Not only this is command a violation of Free Speech, but it is also vague, because “language that incites violence” can be very subjective.
The protesters were then given the warning of the 11 noise ordinance.
Again, keep in mind that since there were only about 20 people, at max, that this is the quietest they’ve been in days, with only a few people yelling chants.
Normally they have a drummer and music.Also keep in mind that some sources say the protesters were told that they are allowed to chant, but they were not allowed drum.
There were no drum present.
Finally their last warning was given to get off the parking lot, and driveway of the Ferguson police department.
A few hesitated, but before the order was completely given, the police began to move forward.
As they moved forward, the protesters got back on the sidewalk.At this point 10-12 people were promptly arrested.
Including a reporter who was just filming.
The protesters were then taken to St. Anne Police department.
(FPD is currently under construction, and cannot house anyone in the jail at the present time.)You can watch the entire arrest here.
Update for 10/03
Keep your eyes on Ferguson!
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