

No, but how sweet is it that during Harry’s first week at Hogwarts Hagrid sent along a note with Hedwig to invite Harry to tea rather than asking him in person so Harry didn’t feel left out and actually got some mail



this time of year is so depressing for australians on tumblr….. i don’t think u understand…. y’all r like ‘I’M GONNA WEAR ORANGE ALL MONTH LONG AND SHOVE PUMPKINS UP MY ASS AND SLEEP IN A BED OF LEAVES!!’ and australians are down here like ‘a bunch of birds are probably going to try to kill me if i attempt to go outside and i’m five seconds away from getting heatstroke’

Here’s a question you’ll either ignore, edit, or mock because it’ll blow your underdeveloped brain. You’re a feminist, disgustingly, yet have you ever protested anything that feminism actually stands for? For example, women aren’t forced into the SSA, women have all female colleges, women get scholarships just for being female, women are more likely to be chosen for jobs. You do realized that the definition for feminism is “the advocation of women rights to be equal to those of men”? Doubt it.



It’s so adorable how hard you guys try to blow my mind.

There has been much discussion over the last few decades of including women in the draft, and now that women are no longer excluded from ground combat roles (which was the primary justification for their exclusion from the draft), you may get your wish. In 1980, the year the draft was reactivated, the National Organization for Women (NOW) announced “opposition to the draft, but states that if there is a draft, NOW supports the inclusion of women on the same basis as men.” Not only that, President Carter himself “recommended that Congress amend the Act to permit the registration and conscription of women as well as men,” but it was Congress that “declined to amend the Act to permit the registration of women.” Congress in 1980, by the way, was all of 3.6% female, so you have your fellow men to thank for your complaint. Oh, and an organization specifically for women in the military also supports inclusion of women in Selective Service. (Personally, I think the whole thing should be abolished for everyone, but I know you’re not really interested in my thoughts.)

Are you seriously complaining about all-female colleges when the reason they exist is that women weren’t allowed to go to college in the first fucking place? Education for women in the 1800s was minimal during that period. Schooling was for the male gender, and if a woman wanted to go to school, she was looked down upon.”  Oh, and there are about 48 active colleges in the US that admit only women, which is about 1% of all colleges. The historical exclusion of women from higher education, as well as the current gender imbalance in the STEM fields, are a couple of reasons why women-only scholarships exist; often, “scholarships for women have a specific goal in mind, whether it is to get women into leadership positions, doctoral programs, or currently male-dominated industries or companies.” Also, there are scholarships just for men. And, you are flat-out wrong in your assertion that women are more likely to be hired. I mean, like, very wrong.

What were you saying?

And boom goes the dynamite.


good cop: it’s okay, just tell us what happened
bad cop: why the hell would you rob a bank? you’re an idiot. see u in court
dad cop: i’m not mad. just disappointed


Lets do an experiment: reblog if you would feel safer hanging out with trans women (regardless of what genitals they currently posses) than Cis women who are transphobic and deny trans women’s obvious womanhood.