

I am currently employed at a Spencer’s Gifts. I am a Transgender worker, and in my state, I can be fired just for being Trans. My managers or co-workers are not the people who would do that to me or get me in trouble, but if I use my position as an Associate to make a complaint about this item to the company itself, I’m afraid that it could cost me my job, which is the only one I have while I’m currently in college. 

There are a LOT of things that we sell at Spencer’s that are questionable, but this is where I draw the line. This is disgusting and I am completely appalled that this kind of thing even made it to store shelves with the amount of trans people who are publicly out and accepted now. If I want this to be taken care of, I’m going to need help, especially if I want to keep myself anonymous and keep my job. 

What can you do? You can voice your opinion about this horrible object by going to http://www.spencersonline.com/guest_support/ and going to the bottom of the page where it says “Contact Us”. Fill in the message as follows:

  • Subject – “General Feedback”
  • SKU# – 02761997
  • Product Name – “Travel Size Tranny Inflatable Doll”

You can also give this piece of shit a review here: 


I want this to blow up, and so I’m asking you to pass it along. The only thing I really don’t want you to do is use these pictures and link back to this post. Other than that, please make as many complaints as you possibly can. Spencer’s is not a bad company, but they have transgender people working for them and shopping in their stores as well, I can assure you. I want this fucking abomination gone.


Yoooooooooo please help my friend out this is disgusting