Fuck this bitch. She’s “upset” w the gay community??????? Umm wtf its not my fault or any other Gay man’s fault she’s ugly and looks like she has aids like????????
I’m sorry, but I’ve had more verbal shit flung at me by cis-gay men than I can count. I don’t even go to pride anymore because I get panic-attacks over what could be said to me. I’ve had cis-gay men tell me (while walking down the damn street/getting groceries/whatever) to lose weight, insult my clothing, tell me my hair looks like shit, and call me a “breeder” because I was holding hands with my partner. Not to mention the insults hurled at me about my bisexuality (“Bitch, you’re faking it!”). So, yeah, some cis-gay men are misogynists because they are MISOGYNISTIC FUCKING MEN. All men can choose to be a misogynistic asshole or not, it doesn’t matter what your sexuality is.
I’m actually taking a human sexuality course right now, and I was shocked at the assumptions one cis-gay man was making about women. He thought that women who are on their periods are “disgusting,” and “smelled.” Whenever a slide of a vagina was shown for anatomy purposes he had to moan, and groan about how gross vaginas are. I’m sorry, but that misogynistic attitude is damaging to women.
The abuse that we hurl at each other needs to stop.
TLDR: It doesn’t matter what your sexuality is, you can still be a misogynistic asshole.
I hate to say it, but she’s 100% right. We need to clean up our community. We need to be standing with women and not against them.
i’ve had cis gay dudes touch me inappropriately because they think they are allowed to due to being “non threatening” because they’re gay
so like yeah. cis gays need to fucking step up on their not being misogynistic trash policies.i think that misogyny isn’t purely a cis-male thing and that everyone really needs to step their game up and work on not being assholes in general, but it is important to highlight that it doesn’t matter what your identity is, no one has the right to make anyone else feel uncomfortable, and identity does not excuse any form of threatening or inappropriate speech or action.
assholes are assholes, straight or gay.
okay but to this whole “assholes are assholes” and “it doesn’t matter”
It fucking matters because cis gay men have been playing the “I can’t be misogynist, because being a gay man is just like being a woman” card since forever. They’ve also built up a particularly racist and violent set of cultural tropes for themselves in regards to how they treat the bodies of women (both cis and not), especially non-white (and if I’m being super specific, BLACK) women.
So let’s stop with this tiptoeing around bullshit.
Like…not for nothing, Rose McGowan literally grew up in the queer community (seriously, look it up). She’s not just speaking out of her ass or trying to stir up shit. She’s talking from a specific history/exposure to THIS. SPECIFIC. MISOGYNY.If y’all wanna talk about internalized misogyny, or hetero misogyny, by all means, go for it. But the woman is talking about a specific group and their specific sense of entitlement to women, womanhood, and women’s bodies.
To be honest I’m not really comfortable with saying that cis gay men are more misogynistic than straight men but I will say that cis gay men are just as misogynistic as straight men a lot of the time and the difference is they mask it in terms of “NO I CAN’T BE SEXIST I’M GAY HONEY I’M GAY” and then proceed to pull a ton of really uncomfortable making shit like the shit described above