


ugh god damn it

my mom is trying so hard to understand me

but she wound up finding some ‘transgender’ shit posted by these 15yo special snowflake tumblr assholes and

ugh god damn it. do you guys not see how youre fucking things up??? do you not get it?? itsgreat that youre all so ok with your bodies and dont want to transition! but please for the love of all thats good in this world, please do not call yourself transgender if you dont have dysphoria! please please stop this

ive been trying so hard to get my mother to accept me. ive called myself transgender for the same reason the word first started existing in the first place; to distance the concept of gender identity from homosexuality. the point of the word is to make transsexualism not have the word “sex” so it stops seeming like a fetish and gets taken seriously

and finally, i think my mother is accepting me. she talks to our doctor about it, who (despite misgendering trans people in the past to me) actually genders me correctly and they have a discussion. 

but then my mother tells me shes been feeling better because she read online that “transgender people don’t need surgery where transsexual people do” and i just

i got so angry. what the fuck. what the fuck is wrong with you all. do you not see what you’re doing? i had to explain to my mother that transsexual and transgender are in fact the same thing, but kids on the internet turned transgender into an umbrella term that emcompasses everyone who ever existed (because “anyone who gender nonconforms is transgender” pretty much means any girl who ever wore pants or any guy with long hair). I had to explain to her that no, just because i call myself transgender doesn’t mean im not getting surgery, and that kids appropriating a term on the internet are the ones fucking things up.

i had to explain this all to my dear mother and she broke down in tears because shes trying so hard to understand but nothing she finds explains anything to her

everything is so backwards and confusing every time she tries to look things up

and all i can tell her is that some kids on the internet decided to take a term, known for year as the same thing as transsexual, and give it a new definition

i hope youre proud of yourselves for making this movement go backwards

This was the issue I ran into trying to find resources for my parents.

stooooop policing trans people oh my god

i’m sorry that you’re having difficulty finding resources, but please don’t step on other trans people in your anger. 

i’d like you to step back for a second and consider the trans people who are misgendered by their doctors. who don’t have supportive parents. who continually get stepped on by other members of their own community for not being ‘trans enough’ or whatever else. who you just stepped on yet again. 

maybe instead of complaining about not being able to find resources, you should ask for resources. better yet, consider the actual reason why you can’t find good resources (hint: it’s fuck all to do with trans people and a heckload more to do with cis people’s deliberate erasure of our existence)

non-binary trans people or other trans people who don’t choose to transition in the way that you deem correct aren’t any lesser. trans people who don’t experience dysphoria aren’t any less trans. they aren’t appropriating shit. i’m sorry that you’ve been fooled by the idea that there’s one specific way to be trans, and that we should all be following the same transition path. 

you think we aren’t all trying to get fucking accepted by our mothers and everybody else? this isn’t just about you and your situation. in your quest for acceptance, you’ve just rejected a wide group of people who are already rejected by the world at large. sit down and think about that.