







Is Complimenting a Woman Sexual Harassment?-Feminist Fridays

>majority of women

[citation needed]

I literally cite the statistic in the video but like why would you even bother watching that.

Y’know, typically when people “cite” things, they give an actual link to the original source so that everyone can review the data themselves and make sure that the presenter (or the data itself) is not biased.

You didn’t give a link, you just spoke. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t feel like sitting through your video to find out whether or not you actually gave the title of the study/review that you got your data from.

Now if you wanna provide an actual link, we can continue the discussion.

Until then:

[citation needed]

I do give the title of the study with a graphic. It’s not my problem if you can’t be bothered to watch something before critiquing it or do a simple google search on something that would take .5 seconds to look up. Get your arrogance and laziness outta here.

The title of the study is just fine, dontneedfeminism. This isn’t a damn academic paper, you’re not a damn professor to which such a thing needs to be handed to and thus, and you’re not going to get a damn annotated bibliography. You have the title and a graphic. Google the title for more info, you lazy butt.

File this under: reasons why requiring citations is something people do as a method of gatekeeping.

The majority of women do experience harassment and worry about this, but this person doesn’t care about whether it’s true or not, they literally do not prioritize the safety of women or they’d be looking this up immediately on their own. Not to mention that women have said loudly, many times, everywhere, that this is a concern. It is easy to find proof that this is a problem. What this person is doing is refusing to accept the personal experiences of these women as legitimate unless they can see a study that confirms that these women really do experience harassment.

The question was never DO WE EXPERIENCE THIS, you asshole. We definitely do. The study is HOW MANY OF YOU EXPERIENCE THIS, and the answer is “a distressingly high amount of you have experienced this”. As noted in the images the point is that harassment needs to stop. You choosing to nitpick about whether harassment happens is no different from people whining that they can’t catcall in response to the problem of harassment. You are intentionally not prioritizing the safety of women.

“I need a citation to know how many women because just ten or twenty occurrences isn’t enough for me to call anyone out sorry”