Aboriginal activists burn the Australian flag in an act of decolonization
This is actually disgusting. As an Australian, I understand the historic conflict and it’s lingering effects upon the Aboriginal people, and I am so empathetic. But I find it disgraceful that these activists could bring themselves to destroy a flag that so many people see as representative of their identity.
I’m just disgusted.
As a white Australian, I’m disgusted with you and your commentary. You clearly DON’T understand the genocide perpetrated against indigenous people and the continuing systemic racism and struggles faced by ATSI people to this day, if you’re viewing people marginalised and routinely killed by our nation-state burning a flag which is used to justify that racism, as something disgraceful.
The union jack on the flag is a symbol of colonisation and genocide, it’s a symbol of a country that didn’t even view Indigenous Australians as human, until the 1960s, and continues to dehumanise them. Nobody gives a shit about you identifying with the flag, you’re revolting.