


 ”I work as a card dealer in Las Vegas, and this is my uniform. As you can imagine, people are constantly disrespectful. Just this week, here are some interactions I’ve had:

“You’re tits are so fucking nice”
“I don’t think that’s appropriate for you to say”
“Why not? That’s what you’re here for. You have nice tits so I should be able to say that. It’s not like I said they were bad”
“Can I take a picture of you?”
“I would prefer not”
“I was being nice by asking you. Now I’m just going to stand over there and zoom in”
“Fuck. Your body is so nice. How much do you weigh? I love your legs. Your boobs are so fat and your hair probably smells great. You’re so full figured and voluptuous…”
“I appreciate what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think what you’re saying is really complimenting”
“Those are really nice compliments. Believe me, girls love when I compliment them like that.”

“(While a coworker was walking away) "hold on. I just want to watch her ass”

“That’s kind of rude”
“If you didn’t want guys to stare at you then you shouldn’t have decided to wear those outfits. You guys just need to deal with it”

“The worst part is that I am not allowed to walk away from my table, and because I’m in customer service my ability to speak my mind to these people is severely limited. Really, the most I can do is make one or two remarks about being inappropriate and if they don’t shut up, I just have to deal with it.”
Submission from Kristin Kislowski
“But What Was She Wearing?” is a project documenting what street harassment really looks like. Submit your own to stopthecatcall@gmail.com or via tumblr.

“I don’t think that’s a compliment." 

"Oh, PSHAW, it is! Girls love it when I say that to them! Even though you JUST told me YOU, a woman, don’t like it! ‘Cause I know better! See????”

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This is terrible..