


theres mounds of folks calling out the anarchists in Ferguson

Anarchists or Klansmen?

Should also be known that there are alleged ties between St. Louis/Ferguson PD and the Ku Klux Klan, coming from a former Klansman as well as Anonymous.

Should also be known that members of the KKK have connections to the “We Support Darren Wilson” fundraiser that made Darren “Paid Vacation” Wilson around $500,000.

Should definitely be known that the man who eventually took over that “charity” fund is Jeff Roorda, a man who was not only fired from the Arnold, Missouri Police Department for continually falsifying police reports, but a man who is currently business manager for the St. Louis Police Department. He has a close political relationship with Governor Jay Nixon and Prosecutor Bob McCullough, a prosecutor with a decades-old history of protecting police after black men didn’t deserve to be murdered by police. It’s as if the Wilson case was set up to fail. As if.

Should maybe be known that it was revealed today that Darren Wilson married his girlfriend Barbara Spradling last month on October 24th. Earlier on the 24th, Amnesty International released their report condemning Darren Wilson’s actions, the police’s actions, and the government’s actions.

Anonymous claims that Barbara Spradling has ties to Frank Ancona, current Imperial Wizard of the Missouri chapter of the KKK, which co-organized a rally in Spradling’s hometown Imperial, Missouri, but quickly removed Facebook photos of the Klan members (including Ancona) attending the rally.

I don’t know where I was going with this or how I got here, but hey. Hi. How’s it going?

If you’re interested in the KKK for not terrible reasons, Alex Poucher of Anonymous recently interviewed Frank Ancona about his intentions regarding violence in Ferguson. The threatening undertones of his answers are unsettling to say the least. Also look at his fucking eyes.