lemme learn u a thing if you’re comparing this to the hunger games right now
this is exactly my issue with the (whitewashed) hunger games franchise, or any (whitewashed) dystopian future franchise. it literally sensationalizes oppressive governments and the murder of marginalized children. it takes many of the same factors of our oppressive government today but instead uses white people as the heroes so we can keep pretending it’s all fiction.
and we can totally understand the hunger games. we can understand why they say “we hate the capitol” we can understand why they can’t “just leave” we can understand how their equivalent of social media is more reliable and how things like the news are full of lies, we can UNDERSTAND all that.
but when it comes to ferguson? when it’s real life and, you know, black people? we’re silent, we say, “oh well he’s a thug so he deserved it” or “oh those protestors are rioters and overreacting” or “oh you ALWAYS have to make it about race.”
it is REAL, it is HAPPENING, and it’s NOT YOUR FUCKING YA NOVEL FANTASY BULLSHIT. and if you truly believe there is nothing wrong, if you are PASSIVE about this, if you IGNORE this, you’re disgusting vile trash and every bit as oppressive as the cops, the gov’t, every bit. don’t. you. dare. forget this.
and no. non-black poc are not exempt from antiblackness either. it’s not about us, it’s about them, stand in solidarity but don’t derail.