

New York Daily News decides to go full-on journalistic malpractice.

Talk about stirring the pot!  

New York Daily News accurately reports that a Killer Cop, an officer of the law that there is no dispute shot an unarmed teen eight times in the street, will no even be indicted by a grand jury.

Poor Richard’s News, which has such headlines as describing ‘Emperor Obama’ (their words) doing his job as the head of the executive branch of government in harshly, ignorantly negative words and going to tremendous lengths to defend murderous law enforcement officer Darren Wilson at every turn.

In what way, pray tell, is this journalistic malpractice or stirring the pot? Or does PRN mean to imply that the accurate reporting of an actual event not spun to protect the man who literally shot and killed an unarmed teen in the streets is malpractice?