for those of you participating in #stoptheparade tomorrow


  • bundle up, hardcore – it’s gonna be cold as fuck and it’s a LONG walk. lots of layers.
  • white ppl + nonblack poc – please do not overpower the black voices! you are there to support, NOT to make it about yourselves. remember, this is about black voices being heard. yelling shit like “ALL LIVES MATTER” detracts from the point and ruins the entire point of the protest in the first place. do not do anything violent to provoke the police because you will not be the ones getting hurt/killed for it.
  • keep a spray bottle of milk in your bags in case you are maced, which is not unlikely! DO NOT USE WATER OR RUB AT YOUR EYES.
  • be peaceful – the point is to make a statement, not get anybody else hurt
  • BE CAREFUL BECAUSE THE NYPD IS FUCKING BRUTAL and i dont want any of yall getting hurt 
  • be aware of your rights if you get detained
  • FUCK. IT. UP.