









Sit here and think people why would protesters burn down their own things? Why would hey trash places in their community?

Especially a damn church they belong to…

Makes no damn sense.

My heart is beating so fast knowing the klan is back to literally burning black churches down bc Black people have the nerve to want justice in Ferguson.

This ain’t black people can’t be

This is classic Klan tactics.

They attack our places of business and community. Churches and businesses.

Next they’ll be lobbing molotovs into people’s yards and throwing bricks through their windows.

My grandmother and grandfather used to tell me stories about the shit they’d do. Nothing has changed.

Agent Provocateurs.

People who think protesters who want justice for Mike Brown are the same people doing this really need to do a quick refresher on COINTELPRO. The government later admitted in declassified documents that they infiltrated peaceful protests with agents who’s job it was to cause trouble, make the movement look bad and cause confusion and doubt within the ranks of Black folk. 

This is not a conspiracy theory, it is 100% proven fact. 

Please don’t think it can’t or won’t happen again. 

The American government is not above paying a couple of guys some money to burn down a church or beauty supply store to quell support for Ferguson protesters. 

There’s nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself.