


For the next couple of weeks, or however long it takes, I’m going to be analyzing all the documents that were presented at the Darren Wilson Indictment Grand Jury proceedings. 

There will analysis for each of the individual documents, as much as I can provide. 

#Lawblrs For Justice

BUT by the way it’s a sHITTON of information to go through and I’d appreciate the help from any other AMERICAN LAW SCHOOL STUDENTS OR LAWYERS.  I stress the need for these qualifications because these are the people who have the requisite training to analyze and interpret these documents. I’m not really sure about any undergrad law people—from what I’ve experienced, you don’t get nearly as much exposure to these type of language and document analysis. 

So please, signal boost, spread the word, and we can divvy up all the documents. 

OK people—if you meet the qualifications listed above, and you want to help:

1) Please MESSAGE ME HERE: telling me what year you are, where you go to school, and if you’re interested.

2) I will then reply back to you and follow you. You will receive one volume of the grand jury proceedings to review. They are found here:  If you have any special requests or needs, please let me know. 

3) I will be keeping a master list of assignments. Your job is to analyze the testimony and proceedings, screenshot/quote/copy any sort of relevant information presented (and explain it to laypeople). You will also need to catalog and tag each of the relevant exhibits by number, since whoever uploaded on to this site didn’t really number by exhibit as far as I can tell (which is annoying since exhibits are clearly references during examination uggh). 

4) When you are done, post your analysis on your blog with the tag #LawblrsforJustice (no spaces! Because other websites that use hashtags don’t allow for spaces. blaargh).  Please be sure to explain what volume you got your information from.

5) I will also be sending you an email address that you can contact me by if you have any big links to send me or huge documents that you’ve found (additional information is always a plus).

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT! Please PLEASE message me, though, because this needs to be organized and clear to follow for everybody who wants to read our analysis.