Here’s a script of what you can say while calling employers
- “Hello can I speak to a manager on duty? I have a complaint to make about one of your employees”
- “Yes hello, my name is ______ and I’ve been seeing some very disturbing and disgusting racist comments coming from one of your works. Their name is ____”
- “ I know that your business is not one that would condone such behaviour. Considering that this person has your company listed as their workplace, they represent it and the ideals your company was built on. I would like to think that your company isn’t one that supports these vile comments and actions, and that’s the purpose of my call today”
- “I was also wondering if there is an email address I can send the proof of these comments too, just to solidify these claims, if you find it necessary”
- IF THEY SAY THEIR “Hands are tied” say this: “Well if you are not willing to take care of this issue at your level I will be forced to take it to your supervisor and go from there” that usually gets them. And if not ask for their supervisor’s number and call them.
It is absolutely vital that you CALL BACK to check on the status of the issue. Make sure you hold them to their word and that something is being done. Stay calm and cordial. Channel your inner slightly annoyed PTA soccer mom and you’ll be fine.
Also, mention the Better Business Bureau. They will move as soon as you mention them, I promise.