2 cops in Australia have been charged with murder of Black men in custody. Two. Neither were convicted, one is still on active duty. The Queensland police force colluded to protect him. He was moved to the Gold Coast, promoted, given an award for bravery and compensated $102,000 for damage to his property. 28 Aboriginal people were charged after the riots on Palm. Some went to prison.
disappointed in non-Indigenous Australians who passively and self-indulgently proclaim outrage about Ferguson but don’t know anything about TJ, Doomagee, Dhu, Ward, Briscoe. Who killed them, how they died, what happened after. Aboriginal lives are still a footnote to people who live on our lands, still ignored, not even worth more than a token mention if we even get that? I feel betrayed by Australian PoC in this way all the time and I don’t know how to deal.
can i also just say that Chris Hurley, killer cop, didn’t even have to provide proof that his property had been damaged, they just gave him over $100,000 for his trouble
Black lives matter.