




Things that have actually happened to me.gif

Think about this the next time you even dare suggest an artist lower their prices.

Me when people at cons say $5 sketches are ‘too expensive’ or are upset that I now charge $10 for full figures.

Honestly I have never seen a tumblr artists’ commission prices and thought “too expensive.” I understand it’s a fan community, but when the average retoucher charges 100$/hour and artists are charging like, 20$ max for like a FULL COLOURED THING PERSON THING??? i’m like WHAT??? I CAN”T EVEN FUCKING DRAW A BLOB that would take me 500 years why is it 20$ and i just sit there bein glike. so. what if i bought 20. or whatever.

the point is I think tumblr should look at creative services and what they charge. I shot casual grad photos as a favour for someone and it was 70$/30 minutes. FANDOM ARTISTS ARE GIVING IT TO YOU EASY LSKDJFLSDKJ give them your money as fast as you can i don’t think this is sustainable nad you should get it while stocks last.

please remember that tipping someone when you commission them is absolutely something you can do! artists have to set their prices to what the market average is on this site (which is woefully low) so tipping an extra £5 or £10 can really help. consider it next time you commission someone.