
Okay, listen up. I’m hear to talk about fish abuse.

I’m in Walmart with my parents, and I walk over to look at the dog toys, which are right across from the fish, and my parents walk over to that aisle with me. My dad loves fish so he looks over at the fish to watch them like he enjoys to do, and he gasps. He points to these fish and says, “THESE BETAS ARE ALL DEAD!”

I’m like, “WHAT??” (Because, surely, there is no way, right?)

My dad loves to learn about wildlife, and part of that wildlife is fish. He knows a lot about them, including the male betas that were on the shelf to be sold. He repeated himself with a shocked tone, “These male betas are all dead!”

I look closer at them to make sure, and I suggest, “Surely, they’re just sleeping?”

He shook his head. “No, betas don’t sleep like that.”

Sure enough, yes, they were all dead. Every male beta for sale on that shelf in Walmart was DEAD. I’m not kidding you. I would not be blogging about this if I were kidding.

The male betas, like the ones in the pictures above, were all dead because lack of food and poor care. Walmart was selling these fish, but rather than taking care of them to make sure that they would stay alive, Walmart neglected them. They just left the betas to stay in their tiny spaces, some with little water and others with contaminated water, without food and without proper care.

I understand that Walmart has a lot of things that it needs to manage, like customer service and stocking and everything, but THESE ARE LIVING BREATHING CREATURES. These fish were taken from their homes and were basically left to die because Walmart was unable to take proper care of them.

This is neglect. THIS IS ABUSE.

Please reblog and spread the word about this! We need to make sure that Walmart knows that THIS IS NOT OKAY.