
allo people have such a fundamental misunderstanding of asexuality and the many different ways to be ace.

some people are completely repulsed by sex and never want anything to do with it ever!!

some people enjoy sex but only once in a blue moon

some people like sex only with particular people, or only after they form a connection with said person

some people aren’t repulsed by sex but have 0 desire to engage in it

it’s not a black and white thing but it’s also important to talk about people who are sex-repulsed or have 0 desire for sex ever because often they get forgotten in the rush to assure allo people that some ace people do like sex

sex is not the be all and end all

i mean i’m probably oversimplifying this, but i’m really tired of allo people and their insistence on having every relationship be sexual. never mind that it’s forced upon us in our media too.