
  • “i just committed a crime and i need to use you as a hostage i am so sorry” au
  • you were my rival in first grade and damn you’ve gotten really hot since then au
  • i was shrunk to 4 inches tall by a witch and now i kinda live in your kitchen without you knowing au
  • i am actually good at math but the math tutor is really hot so i’m pretending to be dumb au
  • two strangers locked inside a grocery store at three am together au
  •  i’m mute and you’re the lead singer of my favorite band who just pulled me on stage to sing with you au
  • who can sell the most cookies contest au
  • we’re strangers but i absolutely hate your music taste and i feel the need to tell you this on a crowded subway au
  •  i’m a fisherman and you’re a mermaid who got tangled in one of my nets au
  • i purposely get your coffee order wrong just so you’ll talk to me again au
  • we’re both sick and we both grabbed for the last can of soup at the store au
  • tree climbing contest but we both got stuck up on the top branches and now we have to wait for the fire department au
  • you’re singing my favorite song but you’re singing it wrong au
  • you’re the crazy cat person next door and your cats keep on wandering into my yard au
  • i’m a ghost and you’re a ghost hunter au
  • you’re my siblings’s best friend and i absolutely hate you but pretend to be my boy/girlfriend to piss off my family au
  • you look exactly like the main character in my novel au