


little things you may have forgotten about harry potter over the years

  • they wore pointy hats to school
  • they had a school song 
  • neville was blonde
  • mcgonagall rode a tiger to the welcoming feast each year
  • professor binns was replaced by an actual garbage bin during harry’s sixth year
  • hagrid taught ballet to third years until it was forbidden by umbridge

… I require sources on the Tiger, the ballet, and the Bin. Because I’ve reread those so many times and I remember none of those three things but by the gods do I hope I just missed them somehow.

The students fell silent as Professor McGonagall rode the tiger through the doors and past the four house tables. Fred and George Weasley whistled appreciatively as the majestic beast galloped towards the front of the hall. The tiger stopped directly in front of the empty stool and McGonagall hopped off with ease, placing the sorting hat onto the stool, the tiger taking its place next to a seething Severus Snape.

– Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, p89. 

‘Fuck me it’s a relief to have a decent History of Magic teacher for once!’ exclaimed Ron as he took his seat. 

‘Personally I think he’s a joke’ scoffed the hard to please Hermione. Harry laughed and took his seat, he was a big fan of the new teacher. The students took out their books and got to work as the garbage bin swayed slightly in the wind. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan spent the hour throwing parchment balls into the new teacher, by the end of the lesson they had landed 20 shots into Professor Bin and earned Gryffindor 20 points. 

– Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, p341. 

‘Training for the ballet Potter?’ sneered Malfoy.

‘Well obviously. And you would be too if you had any sense’ replied Harry. ‘The recital is in three days!’

‘Yer so you’d best get to work Malfoy’ said Hagrid gruffly as he appeared behind them. ‘I’ve seen those pirouettes and yer father won’t be proud.’ 

– Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, p167.

These are from the Australian editions so they might be a bit different to yours, perhaps why you don’t remember.