

This is so awful and mean. If you guys see this, please report this. I don’t know why men have this whole “when women wear makeup, they’re basicallt lying to us” mindset. 1.) Contrary to dudebro belief, not all women do things for men. There’s this cool concept that not everybody is straight, therefore they don’t do things to attract the opposite gender. And even if they are straight, many women including myself wear makeup because it’s actually pretty fun to do and there’s so many possibilities. 2.) If you honestly are dumb enough to believe that a woman looks like the photo on the right NATURALLY, it’s your stupid fault for falling for it, not the woman’s. Don’t blame a woman for your dumb self believing she naturally has purple, green, blue, red, sparkly or whatever eyelids or blood red lips. But then again, babies have no concept of permanence. 3.) Why would anyone make something like this? The girl in these photos is beautiful in both ways. This probably hurt her feeling a lot and it probably took a lot of guts to post a makeupless photo. Get over yourselves. 4.) I don’t understand why women always get preached at to wear makeup, but when they do they get shamed for it? You can’t wear makeup and not wear makeup at the same time. Stop thinking that women need to follow your every command. Bye.

Don’t stop reblogging this. I really want this girl to see this and to know that we all think she’s beautiful in both photos and that we support her.