




With the Cicret Bracelet, you can make your skin your new touchscreen.

This is insane.

Why would you post this and not tell anyone THEY NEED MONEY TO MAKE IT REAL

Reblogging because I can’t donate, but someone else might be able to.

guys this is COMPLETELY FAKE do not donate to this cause!!!!!

“1. It is impossible to show a light image on skin outside in the sunlight, for this to become possible, the "bracelet projector bulb” would have to be brighter and stronger than the actual sun itself, which would vaporize your eyes and skin, cause skin cancer and burn through your arm.

2. Any white color or similar light colours, would show as invisible on your skin, in this video they showed white background when surfing on the internet etc. which is completely incorrect.

3. This entire so called “project” is a quick scam to milk money out of the ignorant people, so the best thing you could do is report this to PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/helpcenter/helphub/article/?solutionId=FAQ2422&topicID=&m=ARA and inform them about this fraud going on, in hope of people getting their money refunded back.

4. We aren’t even that far into technology that we could fit specifications into a tiny bracelet, such as GPU, CPU, RAM, Memory etc.

5. They also failed to notice, when you would place your finger infront of the projector, it would be overlapped with a shadow on the image screen, just like when you’re walking infront of a projector or a cinema screen.”

(source, linked comment)