
I often think about how the war could have affected all of the characters, like

  • Hermione keeping a nightlight next to her bed at night because the war has caused her to fear darkness and what lurks in the shadows.
  • Narcissa clutching Lucius to her chest as he jerks awake after another dream about Azkaban.
  • Draco tossing and turning restlessly in bed as he has vivid nightmares regarding his time spent serving the Dark Lord.
  • Ginny sorting through her belongings as she prepares to move out of the Burrow and stumbles across an old present from Fred before breaking down and muffling her sobs with her pillow so her mum won’t hear and grow worried.
  • Andromeda waking up in the middle of the night to murmur a reminder to Ted about what they have to do come morning before remembering that both her husband and daughter have long since passed.
  • Harry growing paranoid that his scar will start burning and aching again, despite the fact that he knows full well Voldemort is dead, so he finds that on certain days, he has to pull himself away from the rest of society and hide away with his thoughts.
  • Ron faltering in Auror training because every time he raises his wand, all he can remember are the faces and bodies of the dead family and friends he tripped over as he stumbled through the battleground back in May of 1998.
  • Narcissa visiting her sister’s grave in secret and feeling waves of agony and anxiety wash over her every time she reads the freshly-engraved letters that spell out “Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black).”
  • Neville spending days in a quiet hospital room murmuring to his parents all about coming into his own brand of bravery and his struggles during his final year at Hogwarts and realizing full well that they’ll never truly hear him.
  • Luna avoiding basements at all costs, as they remind her of her imprisonment, and making sure to keep her wand tucked underneath her pillow at all times…just in case another ambush takes her by surprise.
  • George battling with the ever-present reminder that everywhere he looks, all he sees is Fred.

The list is never-ending and, quite obviously, fluctuates depending on how you view it, but…damn. I think about it a lot.