








Want to go to Planned Parenthood in D.C.? You’ll have to run the anti-choice gauntlet first.

This is what it looks like when clinics don’t have buffer zones.

They’re sidewalk harassers, sidewalk bullies, whatever else, but they are no where near counselors. Counselors are non-judgmental, non-biased, empathetic listeners, that is NOT what those people are. – Paige

If the clinic employees begin exercising their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and carried AR-15’s or AK-47’s along with them, on public streets, that would present an interesting conundrum to the gun loving right wing, would it not? I bet it would stop all the harassment cold too.

There are some abortion providers that do carry guns at all times, wear bulletproof vests to work, hire bodyguards, wear masks into the clinic so protesters can’t identify them, go in the back door, change up their driving routes every day, check under their cars daily for bombs, etc. That’s how serious this is, and that’s why it’s dangerous to take the protesters at face value, even if they seem peaceful. You don’t know who they’re hiding in the crowd.

And doctors who work at abortion clinics have been murdered by pro-life activists, in what has to be one of the biggest ironies in existence. Clinics have also been bombed.

Doctors like Dr. Tiller that saved my sister’s life.
Dr. Tiller was shot and killed in his own church, in front of his own family and community.

You see this? This is not what you do. You don’t murder and try to humiliate someone like this because they’re doing something you don’t approve of/don’t agree with.

Pro life

Reason #84474747 why I’m pro-choice.

I hope the people in this picture fucking rot.