Hi, I’m not really understanding the anon thing that’s happening, why are we turning off anon over New Year’s Eve?



So basically what’s happening is that over the past few days an anon hate attack has been targeting certain blogs run by people who are depressed/anxious/suicidal etc. The anons first attacked the Supernatural fandom (queen-of-the-rising-demons is an example of this) we’ve already lost 5 people to suicide because of the attack as of today. In the early hours of today the group of anon haters started spreading and targeting other fandoms such as:

Doctor Who,




Troyler fandom,

American Horror Story,



Attack on Titan,

Harry Potter,

and many more.

Now there’s rumour of a full on hate attack, on as many people as they can, regardless of mental conditions mentioned in previous posts. There’s rumours that this attack will happen on New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day. Pleasepleaseplease spread the word and warn people to either; turn off their askboxes if they don’t want to be affected by the attack, or leave their askboxes open and prepare for the fact that they may be targeted.

We can survive this, fandoms are family, and family don’t end with blood.


I urge my followers to signal boost the shit out of this. The initial raid was bad enough. Please for the sake of your well being, turn off anon. I made the wrong decision when I was attacked and I don’t want anyone else making the same mistake. Please, if not from anyone else, hear it from me. Turn your anon off.