What about the email address to contact Leelah’s school? I’d like to email them about their memorial page misgendering her.




this is the info i could find! 

Kings High School
5500 Columbia Road
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
513.398.8050 ext. 2
Fax: 513.459.2938

KHS Principal
Doug Leist

513.398.8050 ext. 11001

KHS Assistant Principal
Rob Burnside

513.398.8050 ext. 11002

KHS Assistant Principal
Ron Corradini

513.398.8050 ext. 11027

KHS Attendance Line
513.398.8050 ext. 23

Actually please do this, because it’s important people know it’s not okay to misgender someone just because they’re knowledge and awareness is limited.

I just checked the school website and they’ve taken down the memorial, hopefully this means they’re going to replace it with a better one but we’ll have to wait and see 😐