Alex Yrigoyen’s mission statement on GoFundMe:
“Shortly after hearing of [Leelah’s] death, I made a post on my blog offering to donate 3 boxes worth of clothes I don’t wear anymore along with make-up and wigs to trans women who are unable to express their gender identities in a way that makes them comfortable due to a lack of finances or unsupportive parents, similar to Leelah’s. I received over 4 dozen requests from trans women who were in dire need of necessities and twice as many requests from people who wanted to help my cause by donating their clothes in a matter of a couple hours. I didn’t think what I offered would become so popular and that’s when I realized I had the potential to start something big, something that could change the lives of thousands for the better. I realized I could help Leelah’s death mean something.
I had just finished packing a 3rd package when I decided I would call my project “The Leelah Project”, a cause that helps underprivileged trans women receive the necessesities they need to express their gender identities the way they want to. But I need help. I want to expand who I help by including all trans and genderqueer people, but with my limited supply and finances, I can’t do that. This is what this GoFundMe is about.
I want to start out by helping 500 trans and genderqueer people; 250 trans women and feminine nonbinary people, and 250 trans men and masculine nonbinary people. I want to supply them with much more than a dress and nail polish. I want to supply the men with binders to bind their breasts and women with bras, gel inserts, and panties to help them tuck better. I want to create care packages that I can send to underprivileged trans people in need of my help. That’s what “The Leelah Project” is about; helping trans people to be who they are.
I need to raise $40,250 if I want to be able to supply 500 trans people with these care packages.
Please help me reach this goal. Please help me to ensure that Leelah didn’t die in vain.”
If you would like a package, here is a link to the project’s tumblr. They have a email set up for inquiries at and I’m sure you can contact Alex through tumblr itself. As of right now, they offer small and medium feminine clothing, but they are working on making sure they’ll have larger options soon. (You are also able to select the makeup you’d like from a few different options!) And, finally, there is discrete shipping options if need be.
If you would like to donate, here is the link for the GoFundMe!
Examples of what your donation could provide include:
$2: a lipstick and mascara set, or men’s deodorant
$6: a pack of bras, a ‘stand to pee’ device or shipping for a package
$10: control briefs or a summer dress
$30: a summer dress, blouse and top, or a binder to conceal breasts
or, if you’re able to be extra generous $79 or $82 dollars will cover a complete male or female care package(To donate clothes or personal items I believe you can go to the How Can I Help? page on The Leelah Project’s tumblr and contact Alex personally at