


The Generation We Love To Dump On by Matt Bors


I have had this conversation with many friends and relatives, including my grandfather, who is still angry with me for not having an “adult job.” When I explained the OBVIOUS economic differences between his post-college experience and mine, he looked at me with baffled amazement and said, “I never really thought of that.”

This is the problem. Although this all seems so stupidly apparent to us because we’re living in it, our parents and grandparents can’t fathom what we’re going through because they’re stuck believing the world hasn’t changed since they left school (with jobs lined up even before they graduated, no less). The best we can do is talk to them openly about why we’re “delaying adulthood,” which essentially means scrambling to survive on minimum wage and trying to avoid making the same reproductive mistakes our now-divorced parents made. Really, I know it’s frustrating, but they just don’t get it.

Right now we don’t have much of a voice in politics, but that’s going to change. I can’t wait to see it when it happens. Your shit is gonna crumble, baby boomers.